Monday, 24 December 2018


I always try to be positive.  Even when things are difficult, I try to stay uplifting and upbeat.  My husband will confirm that I don’t always succeed.

The last school day of the year has passed!  As we roll into the holidays, I thought it might be fun to think about five things we can do to spread a bit of Christmas joy over the next week or two.


“The nicest curve on a woman’s body is her smile.”  I always liked that saying.

If you greet people and are friendly, they may greet you back.  If you smile at strangers, some of them will actually return the smile.  It is a simple suggestion but think about how much more you like someone initially if they smile at you as opposed to staying neutral or ignoring you.


A woman I met was telling me how she beats the blues.  She cranks the music and sings at the top of her lungs.  She believes that the physical sensation of the music along with your singing to the music alters moods.  She is likely right.

The holidays are a wonderful time to put on some traditional music and sing with your children or your friends.  A friend of mine sings in a 100 person choir up in Huntsville and he swears by it.  It uplifts him every time he goes to practice.

The movie Sing is one of my favourite children’s movies.  Again, singing provides positive energy.  So crank up the radio in the car and sing to your heart’s content.  Just smile at anyone looking askance.


My girls love to bake.  Most weekends we make brownies and cakes.  It is great fun to make together.  Then the girls and the boys lick the bowls.  While they cook they infuse the house with wonderful smells.  Finally, eating the cake and debating whether to ice it or just dig in begins.

Baking is fun from start to finish, and it will definitely get you into the holiday moods having and sharing some sweets.  My coworker baked shortbread cookies yesterday and I enjoyed two of them.  Those two cookies took me back to my mom’s homemade shortbread cookies from years past.  So nice!


Putting brightly coloured throws and pillows around will make you feel festive.  Dressing in red and green will get you into the holiday spirit.  Lights on the tree and lights outside uplift our spirits.

We have a row of sock snowmen stuffed with rice that the children have made with name tags in front for each of our family members.  We have a tree with ornaments from the past and some new ones.  

We have stockings hung.  We have lights on the tree and outside on the bush.  We have a wreath outside.  All of these little touches buoy my spirits whenever I see them.

Any small decoration will lighten your mood.


Give of your time and money.

I preach kindness in our household.  My children sometimes call it lecturing.  We don’t always achieve it, but it is a wonderful objective.  Kindness lays the ground rules for all family dealings.

Paying it forward is a wonderful concept.  Buy someone’s coffee in the Tim Hortons’ line behind you.  Give of your time to go see an elderly relative who is lonely.  Do something small that makes you feel good about yourself and about life in general.

The above are my five very simple suggestions for spreading a little holiday cheer over the next two weeks.

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