Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Norma Walton, Baking for Breakfast

Baking for breakfast...

My youngest son decided this weekend that he was making 7:45 am...before having any breakfast.  My oldest daughter immediately joined in the fun and decided she was going to make something as well...something different from him.  Soon all four kids were baking in the morning. By 9 am we had brownies and lemon cake in the oven and butter cream frosting awaiting their completion.

The kitchen is a fabulous creative space for interested kids.  It was a pleasure to watch them do everything themselves and then enjoy the result for a few days thereafter.

They did eat their breakfast before digging into the sweets, but digging into the sweets was definitely an incentive for eating their breakfast.

Now if only I could get them to clean their rooms with the same enthusiasm...

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