Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Norma Walton, SkyZone a great investment!

On Tuesday night, we bounced.
Some Skyzone vouchers came in handy. My youngest son showed me how he bounces from trampoline to trampoline then onto the wall trampoline then down again, without ever landing on the same trampoline twice. He asked me to try. Of course I could not do it, and watching me not be able to do it caused him no end of mirth. After almost an hour of practice, I finally nailed twelve trampolines in a row just as we were leaving but could not for the life of me incorporate the wall trampoline without hurting myself.
The fact that Jaromir Jagr is almost 45 years old and still playing in the NHL staggers me because I have been feeling the effects of bouncing ever since Tuesday.

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