Thursday, 23 February 2017

Norma Walton, Cross Country Kudos

With delusions of cardiac health in my head, I ran the cross country course with my four children, the baby being in the stroller that I was pushing.  How hard can a 1500 metre run be?  That is only a mile...

Huffing and puffing at the end having watched all three of my older children beat me handily to the finish line, I remembered why I prefer walking to running.  Despite my struggles, the practice helped my 8 year old daughter come within the top 20 runners in the first round of the inter school cross country meet.  She progressed to the next round where she finished in the top 80.  I was very proud of her.

She had an enjoyable day despite the damp weather because a few of her classmates and friends joined her in this endeavour.  All of them had fun and felt good after the race was over.

I shout out to the teachers and parents who facilitate school athletics.  My children and I really really appreciate it!  You are doing great work.  Keep it up.

Norma Walton, Thank You for School Hockey

My children find that school athletics are such a positive place for them to spend time.

For the first time ever, Rippleton Public School and Denlow Public School joined forces to field a hockey team to compete against four other schools.  The parents settled on "Go DR" as the school cheer, and the colours of the uniforms were an amalgam of the various school colours.

The first game was a fast paced event that ended in a tie followed by overtime followed by a shootout.  After the fifth shooter scored, our boys lost by a goal.  The second game they lost 3-1 with the last goal against being an empty netter.  The last two they won handily.

Most interesting was that none of the boys seemed to care whether they had won or lost about five minutes after each of the games.  The focus became who was driving back to school with whom and what sport they were playing together at recess.

Kudos to any parent or teacher who agrees to coach a school team.  I know I speak for countless parents when I express my sincere appreciation for providing the kids with the opportunity in such a positive environment.  Thanks!

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Norma Walton, School Teams Build Character

I LOVE school teams.  I love the values they promote.

My boys are playing on the school basketball team and the school hockey team.  It is amazing to me how much fun they have playing with their school chums.  It builds character to have to play with varying abilities and personalities with a common goal in mind.  Winning at all costs is not the objective.  Having fun with your team mates and cutting class without getting in trouble is.

My boys have thoroughly enjoyed the experience to date.

There is no I in team...